Systancia: Data protection and Data governance | Cybersecurity series Part 3

In this series, thanks to our experts, we will report and evaluate the latest developments in Cybersecurity from a European point of view. Access the Introduction (ECA), Part 1 (Eperi) and Part 2 (ECA). Data protection and Data governance When one speaks about data protection, the first concept which comes to mind is confidentiality, and […]
ECA: Data protection and sovereignty | Cybersecurity series part 2

In this series, thanks to our experts, we will report and evaluate the latest developments in Cybersecurity from a European point of view. Access the Introduction (ECA), Part One (Eperi) and Part Three (Systancia). Data protection and sovereignty A few days ago, it has been quite a surprise to hear that the French Health Data […]
Introduction to the Cybersecurity Series

In this series, thanks to our experts, we will report and evaluate the latest developments in Cybersecurity from a European point of view. View part one (Eperi), part two (ECA) and part three (Systancia). Publishing introduction By Dominque Tessier, head of the focus group CYBERSECURITY Before all, let me refer to the exceptional conditions that […]
Eperi: Data Sovereignty means Competitive Advantage | Cybersecurity series Part 1

In this series, thanks to our experts, we will report and evaluate the latest developments in Cybersecurity from a European point of view. Access the introduction (ECA), part two (ECA) and part three (Systancia). Data Sovereignty means Competitive Advantage Done right, implementing the new Data Strategy by the European Commission can lead to a […]
Die Gründung der European Champions Alliance
Wie alles begann Das Cluny Forum: eine deutsch-französische Initiative Der Grundstein der European Champions Alliance wurde auf dem deutsch-französischen Innovationsforum des Cluny Forum 2018 gelegt, welches vom 26.-28. Oktober 2018 in der Telekom Design Gallery der deutschen Telekom in Bonn, Deutschland stattfand. Das Cluny-Forum ist eine deutsch-französische bürgerschaftliche Initiative mit dem Ziel, einen intergenerationellen Austausch […]
La création de l’European Champions Alliance
Comment tout a commencé Le Forum de Cluny : une initiative franco-allemande La première pierre de l’European Champions Alliance a été posée lors du Forum franco-allemand de l’innovation du Cluny Forum 2018, qui s’est déroulé du 26 au 28 octobre 2018 dans la Galerie de design de Deutsche Telekom à Bonn en Allemagne. Le Forum […]
How we founded the European Champions Alliance

How it all started The Cluny Forum: a Franco-German initiative The foundation stone of the European Champions Alliance was laid at the Franco-German Innovation Forum of the Cluny Forum 2018, which took place from October 26-28, 2018 in the Telekom Design Gallery of Deutsche Telekom in Bonn, Germany. The Cluny Forum is a Franco-German civic […]