The ECA Blog

News and knowledge from the ECA network

A collection of articles on the latest trends, insights, and news in European tech.

The ECA Blog

Insights & Innovations: The ECA Blog

Dive into expert perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in the European tech landscape. Our blog features thought-provoking articles that empower you to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of technology.

TOO 2022: for a secure and sovereign collaborative suite

“Tixeo, Oodrive and Olvid create the first French consortium by launching the TOO 2022 project. Their ambition? To create a secure and sovereign collaborative suite.”   The ECA is glad to relay the information on TOO 2022, a joint initiative by TIXEO (a videoconference platform suppplier, member of the ECA),

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✨ ECA – General Assembly 2022 ✨

✨ General Assembly 2022 ✨ On Tuesday, October 4, the ECA held its yearly General Assembly, some members physically attending some others remotely. It was the occasion to revisit all the work accomplished since 2021 and to present the results of a survey conducted among members, on what the ECA

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New Whitepaper: “Water Pollution – Plastic in the Ocean”

Our new whitepaper “Water Pollution – Plastic in the Ocean” is finally out! 🌊 🌊 🌊   Together with the IMPACT FESTIVAL and with the U-Change tool Motherbase we are sharing our first whitepaper following the eight policy areas of the EU Green Deal: Clean energy, sustainable industry, building and

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ECFR: The pentagon of strategic sovereignty

The costs of non-sovereignty are high. European countries are increasingly vulnerable to external pressure that prevents them from exercising their sovereignty. This vulnerability threatens the European Union’s security, economic health, and diplomatic freedom of action, allowing other powers to impose their preferences on it. To prosper and maintain their independence

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