Coming Up: The Cloud Expo Europe

Welcome – Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt 2021 – Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt – Das Event der digitalen Transformation

The ECA is thrilled to join forces with Cloud Expo Europe and will be present in Frankfurt on the 8th and 9th of December 2021.


Meet the makers & creators behind the digital industry revolution and discuss digital sovereignty, trust & collaboration, industry use cases and new business models thanks to the data spaces of tomorrow.

The Cloud Expo Frankfurt, located in Germany’s data, finance and security hub, is one of Germany’s largest disruptive technology events.The event offers an opportunity to help you navigate the route to digital transformation and to see the latest emerging technologies for developing businesses. 


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Our Program at the Cloud Expo


1. 8th of December: Cybersecurity panel discussion, topic and speakers to be decided by the ECA, from 16h00-16h50
2. 9th of December: ECA Co-founder Andrea Vaugan moderates the panel discussion on the topic of: Achieving sustainable digital future through GAIA-X (with Google, OVH and eco) from 14h00-14h50. 


Find out more about the event and sign-up on their Website and Linkedin:


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