Cybersecurity recommendation | 10 | Make sure your Steering Committee, ExCom and Board of Directors, your projects teams, your BU’s management teams, can “meet” and share on a totally secure basis

The problem:

  1. Homeworking and all sorts of remote working are quickly spreading. The COVID crisis has both pushed these new ways of working and show the caveats that they face. Among others: the difficulty to access the company’s files and information system on a smooth basis, but also the risk of having some intruder listening and looking at what you say or write. For instance, as Zoom has become popular, attempts to spy the exchanges carried on this platform have fostered.
  2. As a member of top management, data are highly sensitive. Thus top managers may wonder if system administrators are able to access their messages and documents. If they have a doubt, they will be likely to use personal applications, such as WhatsApp, for their Excom. This is known as Shadow IT and it is a plague for information security.
  3. Corporate espionage is a very common activity and information technologies are the new battlefield for countries (Prism program, Cloud Act…).


4 key recommendations you should keep in mind

  1. Use a secure digital workplace system, end-to-end encryption shall be used whenever possible. Managers shall have the guarantee that no one, even among system administration, can access their data.
  2. Prefer a solution with a simple UI (User Interface) and a complete UX (User Experience): an all-in- one application for remote teams (chat, conference, files storage and edition). Doing so, teammates won’t be likely to use personal applications.
  3. An emergency may be a bad counselor: if you rush to recur to an unprotected exchange platform, it will be much more difficult to swift to a secure one. Take the right position from day 1.
  4. Be clear on your needs, do you need to secure an audio-video conference system? Do you want to secure mail exchanges? Do you want to have a secure storage place for sensitive files and documents? Or do you need a bunch of those functions?


Download and consult our Cybersecurity Guide for more recommendations: 

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