Cybersecurity recommendation | 2 | Protecting the intellectual property of my company

Protecting the intellectual property of my company

The problem:

Firewalling is all about preventing malicious access from the outside. However, a large part of unwanted data usage comes from inside: have I set up a protection system for my key data?
Data protection has become a hot topic, as more and more stakeholders are now seeing their data as a key asset. Being able to dispose of them in any circumstance, even in case of a crypto locking (ransomware) attack or blackout, is essential. While it is often unrealistic to try and protect 100% of your data, we suggest you should have a look at the following recommendations.

5 key recommendations you should keep in mind

  1. Define what data are key for the company’s operation: financial and commercial data, R&D plans and results, might be in the lot.
  1. Make sure these data, and their succeeding versions, are thoroughly protected against unwanted reading, alteration, leakage, and that they are always accessible, even if a problem on the usual systems occurs.
  2. To reach such an objective you may want to use systems that encrypt the data, or some of them. You may also use a tool with ID management and make sure only authorized persons access them. Storing clear-text data in the cloud must be questioned. Responsibility for encrypting is to be clearly determined (The company itself? The cloud provider? Or a shared responsibility model?).
  1. If encryption is your choice, it is important to look out for solutions that minimize the impact of data protection: building an own search index, for example, helps to maintain cloud service functionality, such as searching and sorting, reporting, and keeping analytical capabilities.
  2. If some leakage occurs despite your efforts, you must be confident that you will get notified before the leakage spreads and has a negative impact on your business and image. Data trails and audits show up any internal malicious data attacks and leakages.


Download and consult our Cybersecurity Guide for more recommendations: 

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