Cybersecurity recommendation | 8 | Be vigilant about zombie PCs, compromised IoT devices, Botnets, and DoS attacks

The problem:

5 years ago, hundreds of thousands of Web-cameras went infected by a worm named Miraï. The purpose was not to stop these cameras running, instead, the worm kept very quiet, probably for weeks. Then an order was sent to the cameras, which triggered a massive attack against key Internet servers. The attack was designed to saturate the defenses of the servers (this is called DoS for Denial of Service) and resulted in a dramatic stop of servers of crucial importance.

The same goes for computers. They can be infected by a worm, which can wait till it has fully taken control, not only of the computer itself but of the systems to which it is connected.

5 key recommendations you should keep in mind, It is useful for preventing such attacks at different levels:

  1. Discriminate between friend and foe
  2. Stop bots taking control of your computers
  3. Break DoS attacks before they break down your servers
  4. Keep all your software and operating systems up-to-date.
  5. Using a strong and regularly updated anti-virus system is the best way to prevent misuse of your pc in such attacks.


Download and consult our Cybersecurity Guide for more recommendations: 

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