Digital Sovereignty: Status Quo and Perspectives

Digital Sovereignty transcends mere competitive edge, embodying the European Union and its member states’ political independence, the innovation capacity of enterprises, and the academic freedom of research bodies and Europeans in the digital realm.

A European interpretation of Digital Sovereignty should embrace a unique path to digitalization, avoiding the extremes of state overreach and isolation akin to the Great Firewall, as well as avoiding the imposition of standards through sheer market dominance.

Instead, this vision champions digitalization underpinned by choice, adherence to European legal frameworks and values, global engagement, and the encouragement of equitable competition. During its tenure at the helm of the Council of the European Union, Germany highlighted Digital Sovereignty as a cornerstone of EU digital strategy, a stance recently underscored in a joint open letter by the leaders of Germany, Denmark, Estonia, and Finland to the European Commission’s President.

The GAIA-X project stands as a testament to this commitment, laying the groundwork for a standardized, secure European data infrastructure that reflects European principles and rights. Crafting a strategy to achieve this shared vision of Digital Sovereignty will require a delicate equilibrium, seeking pragmatic solutions to diminish digital dependencies and foster economic growth through international collaboration and the worldwide distribution of labor.

This IMPULSE publication aims to refine the concept of European Digital Sovereignty and explore actionable policy measures across various technological domains, drawing on the insights of numerous experts and contributors.

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acatech provides effective structures for the science-based discussion of strategic technology issues. Experts from science, industry and civil society develop evidence-based proposals as input for the public and policy debate. The themes covered range from resources and the energy supply to technological developments, securing the supply of qualified specialists and technology communication.

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