Explore the French Tech Media Landscape: Top Tech Magazines and Startup Blogs in France

Are you interested in staying up-to-date on France’s latest tech news and startup trends? Look no further! This blog post presents the top 20 tech magazines and startup blogs in France that are essential for any entrepreneur, startup enthusiast, or digital professional. From FrenchWeb to Maddyness, these platforms provide in-depth coverage of the French tech scene and offer valuable insights into the industry. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to discover the dynamic French tech media landscape and stay ahead of the game. Keep reading to find out more!


Top French tech and start-up magazines and blogs

  1. FrenchWeb (Audience: Entrepreneurs, startups, and digital professionals) – https://www.frenchweb.fr/
  2. Silicon (Audience: Tech startups and entrepreneurs) – https://www.silicon.fr/
  3. Le Journal du Net (Audience: Digital professionals and entrepreneurs) – https://www.journaldunet.com/
  4. 01net (Audience: Technology and digital news enthusiasts) – https://www.01net.com/
  5. Les Echos Start (Audience: Entrepreneurs and startups) – https://start.lesechos.fr/
  6. Challenges (Audience: Entrepreneurs and business professionals) – https://www.challenges.fr/high-tech/
  7. Le Point (Audience: General audience interested in business and technology news) – https://www.lepoint.fr/high-tech-internet/
  8. La Tribune (Audience: Business professionals and entrepreneurs) – https://www.latribune.fr/media-telecom-entreprise.html
  9. Business Insider France (Audience: Business professionals and entrepreneurs) – https://www.businessinsider.fr/
  10. Le Monde Informatique (Audience: Technology and digital news enthusiasts) – https://www.lemondeinformatique.fr/
  11. Le Figaro Economie (Audience: Business professionals and entrepreneurs) – https://www.lefigaro.fr/economie/
  12. L’Usine Digitale (Audience: Digital professionals and entrepreneurs) – https://www.usine-digitale.fr/
  13. La Revue du Digital (Audience: Digital professionals and entrepreneurs) – https://www.larevuedudigital.com/
  14. Capital (Audience: Business professionals and entrepreneurs) – https://www.capital.fr/
  15. Le Point Innovation (Audience: Technology and innovation enthusiasts) – https://www.lepoint.fr/innovation/
  16. Le Blog du Modérateur (Audience: Digital professionals and community managers) – https://www.blogdumoderateur.com/
  17. Frenchweb.tv (Audience: Entrepreneurs, startups, and digital professionals) – https://www.frenchweb.tv/
  18. CNET France (Audience: French tech startups and entrepreneurs) – https://www.cnetfrance.fr/news/
  19. Maddyness (Audience: Entrepreneurs, startups, and digital professionals) – https://www.maddyness.com/
  20. Presse-Citron (Audience: Technology and digital news enthusiasts) – https://www.presse-citron.net/


We hope this list of tech magazines and startup blogs has provided you with valuable insights into the French tech scene. Don’t forget to bookmark these websites and check them regularly for the latest news and trends. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, startup enthusiast, or digital professional, these platforms offer a wealth of information that can help you stay ahead of the game. Stay informed and stay connected with the French tech community!


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