Pan-European Cybersecurity Campaign – Digitalization in the Healthcare Industry

The Healthcare System is vulnerable – How can the EU protect the sensitive data of its citizens?

Monitor your vulnerabilities, check your compliance – Cyberwatch

Our member Cyberwatch has something to say about the dangers of digitalization for the healthcare sector. And an idea how to improve its protection with the help of European cybersolutions.


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“Healthcare institutions are being targeted by cyberattacks on a daily basis. Those attacks happen to be increasingly violent, which explains the growing concern regarding this industry. Thus, they are now being asked by authorities to comply with challenging cybersecurity policies, without actually taking into consideration their business constraints.

The obsolescence of healthcare information systems is probably one of the main constraints of this sector. In fact, a large part of manufacturers supply brand new appliances that are still based on old technologies. Matthieu Garin, Partner at Wavestone, explains that 25% of healthcare institutions in the US and the UK are still using the Windows XP operating system [1]. This operating system is no longer supported by Microsoft and does not receive any new security update, resulting in very high risk of successful cyberattack. .

The second main constraint of Healthcare institutions is their budget. The Club des Experts de la Sécurité de l’Information et du Numérique (CESIN, or Information and Digital Security Experts Club) mentioned in one of its meetings dedicated to health institutions that only 6% of their budget is used for cybersecurity, versus 16% for other industries. Small budget allocated to critical missions results in lower level of maintenance and of security, with less human resources and adequate software.

However, France launched in 2021 a new funding for cybersecurity called France Relance with 136 million euros targeted to help public organizations securing their IT. This program is additional to HOP’EN, another program launched in 2019 with 420 million euros dedicated to modernization of healthcare equipment. These initiatives have allowed multiple organizations to run their first cybersecurity audit or to buy and implement several cybersecurity tools, improving their IT maturity.

Cyberwatch hopes to see new developments for these fundings, at a European scale, to address the cybersecurity issues of European Union health institutions as a whole.”

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Cyberwatch is involved in the security of the healthcare industry, through its cooperation with the CSF, the CLUSIF, Hexatrust, and APSSIS.

Cyberwatch provides solutions that help to find, prioritize, and fix vulnerabilities and compliance issues. These solutions are available at the UGAP, CAIH, and UniHA stores for healthcare IT professionals, and fit the requirements for the France Relance program.

Want to know more about Cyberwatch? Visit their website or follow them on Linkedin:

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