New Whitepaper: “Threats and Challenges of the European Cybersecurity Landscape in 2022”!
Our Whitepaper “Threats and challenges of the European Cybersecurity Landscape in 2022” is finally out! Together with a lot of members and friends from the ECA we worked for a long time on this. Again a huge thanks to all our friends and members who contributed to this project: Advens Stormshield Yes We Hack Nect […]
First European Cybersecurity Integrator/Service Mapping is out!
Another big project from the last few months has been finished! We searched, sorted, and collected information about almost 250 Integrator and Service companies across Europe. Some general information: Our first version of the Service & Integrators mapping hereby contains four different slides of which, companies are mainly focused on “Managed Security”, “Integrator”, “Consulting, or, […]
First European Cybersecurity Funds Mapping is out!
Another big project from the last few months has been finished! We searched, sorted, and collected information about almost 150 Fund companies across Europe. Some general information: The first mapping about Funds hereby contains three different slides of which, companies invest “mainly”, “regularly”, or just “from time to time” in Cybersecurity. Additionally, we ordered the […]