First European Cybersecurity Integrator/Service Mapping is out!

Another big project from the last few months has been finished! We searched, sorted, and collected information about almost 250 Integrator and Service companies across Europe.

Some general information:

Our first version of the Service & Integrators mapping hereby contains four different slides of which, companies are mainly focused on “Managed Security”, “Integrator”, “Consulting, or, “Security Training”. Pretty similar to our Funds mapping we published a few weeks ago, we then ordered the companies country-wise on the slides to have a better overview. You can see the censored version of the “Consulting” companies above. For better usage of these mappings, we also collected some basic information about the companies and also publish those together with the mappings. So it is pretty easy to get a fast overview of all the companies.

The ECA Cybersecurity Focus Group, and especially Dominique Tessier, worked on this project over the last few months. So we are happy to finally share the results with you.

We hope our work can benefit you and we are welcoming of comments. So feel free to give us feedback on where we should improve the next time or what you really think is good and has benefits. You can either directly contact us on LinkedIn or just by writing an e-Mail to the following address:



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