European industrial technology roadmap for the next generation cloud-edge offering

27 CEOs from European Companies presented a report to Commissioner Thierry Breton, publishing a roadmap outlining technological priorities for investment needed to strengthen Europe’s leadership in cloud and edge technologies.

The following companies worked together on the European industrial technology roadmap for the next generation cloud-edge offering:

3DS OutscaleAirbusAmadeusArubaAtosCapgeminiCloudFerroDE-CIXDeutsche TelekomEricssonGerman Edge CloudGIGASIndraIONOSIRIDEOSLeaseweb GlobalMagic CloudNabiaxNokiaOrangeOVHcloudRetelitSAPSchneider ElectricSiemensTelefonicaTelecom Italia.

The roadmap lays out priority areas for EU joint investments efforts by 2025. The investment strategies aim to a highly secure, low carbon, resource-efficient, and interoperable cloud and edge ecosystem.

The document suggests that the EU joint investments efforts should revolve around three pillars:

  • Becoming the leader in domains that will shape European cloud and edge offerings on the global market, focusing on climate-neutrality, cybersecurity, trustworthy data exchange, and interoperability.
  • Renewing and expanding infrastructure foundations across Europe, including an increased density of edge and cloud facilities across the continent, backed by network and interconnectivity services that will enable innovative use cases at scale.  
  • Enabling sovereign and sector-specific services to end-users, providing businesses with trusted options that match global standards in terms of price and resilience.


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The European Champions Alliance strongly supports this initiative, we will continue our mission, building bridges between national ecosystems, SMEs, corporates, and other supporters of the tech ecosystem in Europe to harness the power of smart collaboration and fortify the pipeline of European digital champions.

The ECA network gives hands-on support in international business development, sales, and operational growth. It activates synergies between key stakeholders and leverages the network for strategic and operational support, namely European Scale-ups and SMEs, to accelerate their journey to become European Champions.

Join our initiative over here! 


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