Written by Dominique Tessier, Host of the Cybersecurity Focus Group
“A WHITE BOOK FOR A WAR TIME Fighting Back Cryptolocking” with this title Shadline insures a wake-up call. In its recently published article on Cryptolocking wishes to educate on ransomware.
It focuses light on important aspects, such as: even though ransomware is now a well-known threat, many companies have not yet made the move to anticipate it will definitely happen to them sooner or later. This gloomy prospect is more probable as cryptolocking is now often thoroughly prepared in a professional way.
But the White paper also provides recommendations. And, what’s interesting, they are oriented towards the management, the CXO level. To summarize: companies should define their set of Data which are key to their operation, and make sure they will be able to protect and access them whatever happens; they should be ready to react in a matter of minutes, and for that have a ready to enforce plan; this plan must have been tested and tested, to ensure the company will always be able to provide communications, data access, immediate provisioning even in the case its normal IT system is down. Seems obvious? Well, how many among even well-established companies can say they really match these recommendations?
Of course, this triggers some questions, not the least about how to constantly manage the « key set of data ». The ECA Webinar on November 16 will certainly be an occasion to go deeper.
About Shadline:
Shadline is a French Cybersecurity young company, which has developed a system to secure files and messages storage and exchanges. Encryption is part of the technology, which also includes a specific feature called « fragmentation ». Using fragmentation means that no hacker will be able to decipher data in case they are stolen. Shadline offers it as a SaaS service. At a time when so many executives recur to remote working, this is worth considering.
To read the full article of Shadline on Cryptolocking click here.