Watch the replay of the Smart Industry Networking Event: Creating a vibrant European smart industry scale-up ecosystem!

The Smart Industry Networking Event took place on Thursday, November 24th 2020. Watch the replay here and read more below:

Industry 4.0 is the combination of new technologies and organization of labour to push manufacturing into a new realm of optimization. It is a trend that focuses on creating smart factories through innovative communication and design between machines and humans. As a leader in high-tech manufacturing, Europe is well placed to promote this transition to Industry 4.0.
However there still a lot of potential that is not exploited. As the economy continues to digitalize, it is important that firms transform to integrate the digital world into their functioning.
The European Champions Alliance is building a vibrant and business-oriented scale-up community in the European Smart Industry sector. Our European Smart Industry-experts will discuss relevant topics and address key challenges for growing businesses in the Smart Industry-market.
This format offers you a great opportunity in joining a European network and exchanging with high-level contacts.
Program of this online event:
  • Short intro on the European Champions Alliance and our Focus Group Smart Industry
  • Presentation of the brand new ECA Smart Industry Scale-Up Mapping
  • PANEL: Why do we need a vibrant European smart industry ecosystem?
  • Online networking in small groups to get to know the other participants


Our panel: Why do we need a vibrant European smart industry ecosystem?

Our great speakers exchange about why a vibrant smart industry ecosystem is of high importance for Europe:

Lamin Ben-Hamdane – Infineon

Head of Start-Up Cooperation & Partnerships




 Andreas König – ProGlove





Frédéric Montagard – Thales

Director, Technology Intelligence, Assessment & Insertion




Franck Choplain – Thales

Directeur Industrie 4.0


Aymeric de Pontbriand – Scortex


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