WSIS Forum: Digital Commitment Agreement - Replay video - European Champions Alliance
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WSIS Forum: Digital Commitment Agreement – Replay video

WSIS Forum: Digital Commitment Agreement – Replay video

Further to the publication by the French Institut G9+ of the book Tech it Green Transformation numérique et transition écologique : construire la double révolution du 21e siècle, the European-Champions Alliance is supporting the international roll-out of its key proposal: the Digital voluntary commitment agreement.

Our Panelists were Cécile Garcia Le Goff, Green Tech Focus Group Leader at the ECA, Isabelle Albert, Author of  “Tech it green : building the tech & sustainable revolution” & Didier Carré Président of the G9+ Institute and Co-founder of the ECA.

The objective of this workshop is to ensure the success of the mobilization of all stakeholders to ensure that information technologies contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goals promoted by WSIS and to initiate the first roll-out of the Digital voluntary commitment agreement across the world.

The Institut G9+  is a French association created in 1995 which brings together 50,000 digital professionals. We organize around 30 debates per year that shed light on the digital transformation of our businesses and our economy.

The Institut du Numérique Responsable is a French non-profit association created in 2018, a benchmark player bringing together companies and organizations around the experimentation and promotion of good practices for more regenerative, inclusive, and ethical digital technology.

Andrea Vaugan