Archives des European Champions Alliance - European Champions Alliance
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European Champions Alliance Tag

Our new whitepaper "Water Pollution - Plastic in the Ocean" is finally out! 🌊 🌊 🌊   Together with the IMPACT FESTIVAL and with the U-Change tool Motherbase we are sharing our first whitepaper following the eight policy areas of the EU Green Deal: Clean energy, sustainable...

Another big project from the last few months has been finished! We searched, sorted, and collected information about almost 250 Integrator and Service companies across Europe. Some general information: Our first version of the Service & Integrators mapping hereby contains four different slides of which, companies are...

Another big project from the last few months has been finished! We searched, sorted, and collected information about almost 150 Fund companies across Europe. Some general information: The first mapping about Funds hereby contains three different slides of which, companies invest "mainly", "regularly", or just "from time...

"I was impressed that from all the different people we talked to and all their different approaches and solutions, all are united in the wish for a stronger European offer in products, community, and lobbying", says this young lawyer met at the exit door of...

First, our team was impressed by so many exhibitors, and by so many new challenges. Difficult to quote them all. Just a sample: The Swiss Pavilion, with the thrilling creativity of the present companies and the quality of their forum The crowds on the booths...

Accelerating rebuilt and growth after the COVID-19 crisis May 18th 2020 may come to be remembered as a deciding day in European history, as Germany and France decided on a 500 billion recovery fund to support the European economy. If approved by the 27 EU member...

Beschleunigung des Wachstums nach der COVID-19-Krise Der 18. Mai 2020 wird vielleicht als ein entscheidender Tag in der europäischen Geschichte in Erinnerung bleiben, da Deutschland und Frankreich einen 500 Milliarden schweren Rettungsfonds zur Unterstützung der europäischen Wirtschaft beschlossen haben. Wenn er von den 27 EU-Mitgliedsstaaten genehmigt...

Par Adrien Gonin, Advocacy and Partnership Specialist pour ECA  Décisions individuelles La crise actuelle de la grippe COVID-19 nous montre encore une fois, à quel point dans un monde pourtant globalisé, interconnecté, les Etats prennent leurs décisions individuellement, poursuivant chacun leur propre stratégie sanitaire face à un...