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Interview Tag

Dieser Artikel wurde mit der wertvollen Hilfe von Philippe Blot (lead expert certification chez European Union Agency for Cybersecurity - ENISA), Markus Braendle (SVP, Head of Airbus CyberSecurity) und Pierre-Yves Hentzen (President - CEO @ STORMSHIELD, cybersecurity company of Airbus) realisiert. Es gab eine Zeit während...

As COVID crisis has boosted homeworking, many executives are now relying on remote work tools. Conferencing is one; it goes with chat and file-sharing functionalities. On the other end of the chain, thousands of files and messages are exchanged every day. All this is extremely helpful,...

Andrea Bauer-Vaugan et Felix Nuebold sont allés à la rencontre de Kymono, une start-up francaise spécialisée dans la création d'identité pour les entreprises à travers son offre de vêtements personnalisés. La European Champions Alliance s'est particulièrement intéressée au processus d'internationalisation de Kymono. Kymono, c'est quoi? European Champions...

Andrea Bauer-Vaugan and Didier Carré met Philippe Pinault, co-founder of Talkspirit and Holaspirit. Both are collaborative platforms designed to improve the way of working or to improve the organization and governance of a company. Phillipe Pinault shares with us his experience of the internationalization of...