Archives des Interview - European Champions Alliance
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Interviewed by Karla Karathomas [vc_separator type='normal' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='' down='']   1. Why is it important to think more European in the area of Cybersecurity? Quite simply because the big US-Tech companies (GAFAM - Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft) are very present on the European market and...

Interviewed by Mika Kübler [vc_separator type='normal' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='' down=''] Why is it important that we think more European in the area of ​​Smart Industry? It's a matter of competition. China and the US have a critical mass in terms of market size that allows them to...

Has ondeso already expanded into Europe? If yes, where? If not, why not? Is ondeso planning this step in the medium term? In fact, we focused on German customers so far. This is due to the fact that the legal and regulatory requirements have been much...

Cooperation between the European Champions Alliance and the German-French Business Club in Paris (CEFA)   The CEFA (Club Economique Franco-Allemand) was created in 2005 by French and German executives and senior officials. Oliver Nass is one of the founders of the CEFA and board member of CEFA.    The simple...

“I had the privilege to interview the two ECA Smart Industry focus group leaders, Ingo Franz and Philippe Herbert. We discussed issues surrounding the Smart Industry topic, the European ecosystem’s specificity, sovereignty on a global scope.” Emma Neige - Strategic Partnerships and communication for ECA [vc_separator type='normal'...

I had the pleasure to interview Lamin Ben Hamdane Head of Start-Up Cooperation & Partnerships at Infineon and a member of the European Champions Alliance, we discussed the issues of European tech in 2021. I recommend you sincerely to read his interesting perspective. Emma Neige – Strategic...

I had the pleasure to interview Michael Schumacher CEO at Econio and a member of the European Champions Alliance, we discussed the issues of European tech in 2021. I recommend you sincerely to read his interesting perspective. Emma Neige – Strategic Partnerships and Communication at the...