French Tech Next40/FT120 2021 - European Champions Alliance
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French Tech Next40/FT120 2021

French Tech Next40/FT120 2021

What is the FrenchTech Next40 and FT120 ?

The French Tech Next40/120 is an award for French late-stage Start-ups, based on economical performance criteria. 

The event ranks the 40 French companies with the largest fund raising in the last 3 years, under the condition that their annual turnover growth rate reaches no less than 30%.
The purpose is to bring French technology leaders to the foreground. 

Why FT120 ?
In addition to the 40 leaders, 80 other startups benefit from the French Tech Next 40/120 program:

  • 40 are selected on fund raising criteria without any turnover condition. 
  • 40 are selected on a turnover growth criteria without any fundraising condition.


Furthermore, to insure territorial equilibrium, the selection process integrates a regional criteria : at least two startups per region must be selected. Compared to 2020, 30 new startups joined the ranking, highlighting the rise of the French tech ecosystem.

Andrea Vaugan