Motherbase, the key to open innovation

Thanks to its machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, Motherbase analyzes all available digital “conversations” between known key players, known as “catalysts” (large public and private players, incubators, media, funds, competitiveness clusters, etc.), and little-known innovative organizations (startups, SMEs, NGOs, etc.). The goal: to identify, qualify and map all the innovation players in a sector, technology, or geographical area.

A 100% dynamic database in almost “real-time” (each file is updated on average once a month), unique in its kind, which allows starting from a huge pool of information and messages to micro-target an actor, a specific audience and address it in the most relevant way possible.

An associated search engine allows identifying any actor according to a large number of criteria (location, keyword, sector of activity, size of the company …). It should be noted that Motherbase is very attentive to the respect of privacy (privacy by design). Thus, the database does not contain any personal data related, for example, to the managers or employees of the companies since these data are retrieved from social networks where the users have given their consent.

Motherbase is currently progressing by about 400 “records” per week and has exceeded 50,000 referenced actors and 1,000 analyzed catalysts as of November 25, 2019.

About U Change:
U Change provides innovation experts the fastest and most accurate way to identify, qualify and evaluate startups and innovative entities across Europe. We publish Motherbase, an AI-based SaaS solution that monitors every day more startups, public and private corporations, and innovative entities through their social network interactions. Motherbase is much more than a « simple » 80,000 Startup database.

What is your motivation to become a member of the European Champions Alliance?

We believe that, for continental Europe, interactions between corporations and startups are the most effective driver of customer – and citizen-oriented innovation. And we do believe that in an uncertain World, Innovation is a key driver for businesses, wellness, equality, and sustainable development: whatever the topic we have to change the rules as we can’t afford to go on as used to!

What are your expectations of the European Champions Alliance?

Too often, innovation and startups are presented as a mythic journey to THE UNICORN status. As if entrepreneurs were only obsessed with becoming billionaires. None of the European start-uppers we’ve met these last 20 years consider billions as an objective. Most of them have created their businesses to change the world, to change their industry, to change citizen’s lives thanks to digital innovation. They often consider that changing the rules is an absolute necessity to achieve their goal. For some of them – almost 20% regarding Motherbase’s ratios – fundraising is a key milestone. It’s a mean, but only a mean. To achieve their goal, their mission.
We believe that ECA can promote another vision of collaboration between European corporations and startups in order to build together a sustainable but enthusiastic World for tomorrow. A World based on cooperation between entities rather than – only – competition.

Wich Focus Group at the European Champions Alliance would you like to join?

Motherbase can provide ECA industry-related experts with accurate and up-to-date information regarding innovation interactions and key players within their sector.  We could as a beginning focus on some key industries as Green/cleantech and health tech in order to evaluate the relevance of our solutions for these focus groups.

What projects would you like to develop in the European Champions Alliance?

The presentation of startups by industry is too often limited to dozens of logos in a static « mapping ». Each industry needs a global overview of its innovative players that any user could analyze related to his specific objective. From corporate / startups’ recent interactions to startup dynamics (creation, employment, new technologies, …) we could help ECA to move prom « startups static pictures » to industry-related full of sense movies.